🧛🏻‍♂️ SAP GUI Dracula Theme

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🎏 前言

刚接触 SAP GUI 时,甚至觉得这是个上世纪的产物,完全不符合 21 世纪的 UI 设计理念,于是决定换一换主题,我们将要更换的主题为 Dracula ThemeGithub 开源项目

🌵 下载主题

🗃️ 主题文件替换


C:\Users\{userName}\AppData\Roaming\SAP\SAP GUI\ABAP Editor\abap_spec.xml

🌠 效果展示


Dracula Theme 进行二改
To customize, open abap_spec.xml, and change the nodes inside the COLORSYNTAX tag.

For each TextType node, change either "clr" or "bkclr" properties, using the following internal codes:

- Foreground = 15923448
- Background
  - Background (read mode) = 3549736
  - Background (edit mode) = 1511953
- CurrentLine = 5916484
- Comment = 10777186
- Cyan = 16640395
- Green = 8125008
- Orange = 7125247
- Pink = 13007359
- Purple = 16356285
- Red = 5592575
- Yellow = 9239281

Color Palette

PaletteHexRGBHSLColor Picker Boxes
Background#282a3640 42 54231° 15% 18%Background Color
Current Line#44475a68 71 90232° 14% 31%Current Line Color
Selection#44475a68 71 90232° 14% 31%Selection Color
Foreground#f8f8f2248 248 24260° 30% 96%Foreground Color
Comment#6272a498 114 164225° 27% 51%Comment Color
Cyan#8be9fd139 233 253191° 97% 77%Cyan Color
Green#50fa7b80 250 123135° 94% 65%Green Color
Orange#ffb86c255 184 10831° 100% 71%Orange Color
Pink#ff79c6255 121 198326° 100% 74%Pink Color
Purple#bd93f9189 147 249265° 89% 78%Purple Color
Red#ff5555255 85 850° 100% 67%Red Color
Yellow#f1fa8c241 250 14065° 92% 76%Yellow Color
